Boys Over Flowers (Hana Yori Dango) is a Japanese shōjo manga series by Yoko Kamio. It was serialized in the bi-weekly anthology magazine Margaret, (Margaret is a biweekly Japanese shōjo manga magazine published by Shueisha, primarily for girls from 11 to 15 years old, although some stories are read by adult women. It was first released as a weekly magazine in 1963.)
Due to its immense popularity, Hana Yori Dango has been adapted into TV series by Taiwan, Japan and also, most recently Korea along with one spin-off, 2 live action movies, 1 anime movie and also an anime series. Hana Yori Dango is the best-selling shōjo manga in Japan of all time (54 million copies in 2005.)
I know you people already knows about the Plot story of Hana Yori Dango, but every drama series has it’s different versions. Some little changes of the story to catch up viewers. But anyway, it’s still cool to watch at. Right?
I want to know which Hana Yori Dango Series you like. Is it the..
Meteor Garden (Taiwanese Version)
* Barbie Xu as Shan Cai
* Jerry Yan as Dao Ming Si
* Vic Zhou as Hua Ze Lei
* Ken Zhu as Xi Men
* Vanness Wu as Mei Zuo
Hana Yori Dango (Japanese Version)
* Inoue Mao as Makino Tsukushi
* Matsumoto Jun as Domyoji Tsukasa
* Oguri Shun as Hanazawa Rui
* Matsuda Shota as Nishikado Sojiro
* Abe Tsuyoshi as Mimasaka Akira
* Inoue Mao as Makino Tsukushi
* Matsumoto Jun as Domyoji Tsukasa
* Oguri Shun as Hanazawa Rui
* Matsuda Shota as Nishikado Sojiro
* Abe Tsuyoshi as Mimasaka Akira
Boys Over Flowers (Korean Version)
* Koo Hye Sun as Geum Jan Di
* Lee Min Ho as Goo Joon Pyo
* Kim Hyun Joong as Yoon Ji Hoo
* Kim Bum as So Yi Jung
* Koo Hye Sun as Geum Jan Di
* Lee Min Ho as Goo Joon Pyo
* Kim Hyun Joong as Yoon Ji Hoo
* Kim Bum as So Yi Jung
* Kim Joon as Song Woo Bin
That's it. Just vote out which is your favorite among the three.
Need more pictures? Here it is.. *tenterenen!!!*
That's it. Just vote out which is your favorite among the three.
Need more pictures? Here it is.. *tenterenen!!!*
hana yori dango, forever